Questioning by police – If the police have asked you questions about a crime, or are requesting to ask you questions about a crime, you should contact us immediately. We will advise you on your rights, obligations and which way to proceed.

Negotiating Charges – You may disagree with the severity of the charges brought against you, and need to negotiate them with the police. We can represent you if feel you have been charged with too serious an offence, or wish to challenge what the police have said.

Representation at Trial – How well you are represented will greatly affect the outcome of your trial. We take this responsibility very seriously and offer the most professional and knowledgeable representation possible. We represent adults and children in the Magistrate’s, District, Supreme and Children's Court in Western Australia.

Pleas of Guilty – If you want to plead guilty, we will advise you of all your legal rights and obligations, and prepare your case to achieve the most lenient sentence possible.

Bail Applications – It is important to have an experienced lawyer prepare your application for bail, as applications can be difficult (and increasingly more difficult in the future if you have been refused bail before). We use our years of experience to give you the best chance of a successful bail application.

Spent Convictions – The convictions in a person's past can negatively affect their future. We can help you to get old convictions wiped and to obtain police clearance.

$100 initial consultation fee. Learn more.